
The BreakBeat Poets on How Hip-Hop Revolutionized American Poetry

David Drake · 07/27/15 10:28AM

The success of hip-hop has radically reshaped many American art forms. This is particularly true of poetry. Although the links are sometimes drawn too hastily between the two mediums—after all, hip-hop is at its heart a popular form of entertainment, where narrative style is just one dimension of its artistic importance—hip-hop has been drastically underrated, considering how radically it has influenced American poetics.

Gawker Review of Books · 05/15/15 01:26PM

“Literature will lose, sunlight will win, don’t worry.” —Franz Wright, March 18, 1953 - May 14, 2015 [Photo by Elizabeth Oehlkers Wright]

The Gawker Review Weekend Reading List [3.28.15]

Jason Parham · 03/28/15 12:40PM

Are we being who we think we should be or who we think other people want us to be? Hyun Kim, meditating on the matter of habits, posed this question two weeks ago. But maybe it's less a question of who we think we should be and who we think other people want us to be, and instead a question of who we are. So, who are you?

Gawker Review of Books · 02/16/15 01:10PM

"Now I think poetry will save nothing from oblivion, but I keep writing about the ordinary because for me it's the home of the extraordinary, the only home." —Philip Levine, January 10, 1928 - February 14, 2015 [Image via]