
Jonathan Franzen's Purity Is an Irrelevant Piece of Shit 

CML · 09/08/15 01:30PM

It is obvious from its first page that Purity is a worthless novel and its author, Jonathan Franzen, a worthless writer. Even the very first line, spoken by one of Franzen’s “characters,” is unbelievable: “Oh pussycat, I’m so glad to hear your voice”—the voice that of no human who has ever walked this earth, except an inept and pretentious novelist.

Jonathan Franzen to Excrete Book Called Purity

Leah Finnegan · 11/17/14 02:23PM

Jonathan Franzen, master of his own author photo propaganda, has a new binding of pages with words written on them coming out in... ten months. It is called Purity. Have you ever been more excited to read a work of lidərəCHər in your entire life?

A Biography of Jonathan Franzen Will Soon Exist

Michelle Dean · 09/26/14 05:06PM

A professor at Swarthmore has decided to embark on a biography of the still-living (at least at last report) novelist Jonathan Franzen. One can only imagine the anticipatory salivation at Oprah's Book Club headquarters.